Sunday, 29 March 2020

Exploring Alpha Strike: Commander’s Edition

Interesting little article on the new Battletech rule book, Alpha Strike: Commander’s Edition published by Catalyst Games Lab.  Link
I've played several games using this mass combat system and quite enjoyed them,  The biggest advantage being that you just field so many more mechs on the table at the same time.  A 12 mech aside game using the Classic Battletech rules is a really significant game.  With AS, the game would be finished in a couple of hours max.  I'm not saying that AS is better, it's just different.  If you haven't tried it, I would encourage you to do so.


1 comment:

Nash said...

Having played Alpha Strike with Vulture I can can confirm that AS is different. In the first game we had some mechs like Thunderbolts and Awesomes don't hang around as long as they do in Classic Battletech. So be prepared for this.

But things like having a complete lance of missile armed mechs such as Archers or Catapults now makes sense and can be delivering missiles using indirect fire.

Light and Medium mechs are now useful in the recon role and can start getting behind the enemy.

All in all, we've had about a dozen games, all of which have been enjoyable. We haven't used vehicles or infantry yet and I'm looking forward to games incorporating them.