Last night at the club we had a another FUBAR 40K game. Further tweaks to the rules were experimented with, namely:
a) Adding an activation system as per the Bolt Action rules, and
b) Adding proper penetration charts for armoured vehicles, like with the FUBAR 15mm expanded rules our club uses.
c) Use of a slave Psyker.
The penetration charts worked fine but the Bolt Action system of pulling dice out, to then prompt an activation role was deemed a failure by all involved. In future where multiple players per side are involved (as they were in this instance) we will use a system where at the start of each turn both sides roll to see who goes first, highest on a D6 winning. Every player on that side then gets an opportunity to try and activate a unit. It then switches to the other team, who then get to try and activate a unit each etc etc. The Pysker rules were fine as well, and detailed at the end of this posting.
The scenario last night
saw the Emperors forces fighting on the fortress-world Jago against the dark forces of Chaos. It had become know that a lost relic associated with Saint Sabbat had been found in a small village. A mixed mech platoon of the 53rd Cadogus Regt (Imperial Guard) was despatched with a small Pysker unit from the Sanction Division to secure the artefact before it was desecrated by the unbelievers. The enemy forces also despatched forces to the village, in the shape of an Ork Platoon and two Chaos Space Marine squads.
Battle was joined when the 53rd were disturbed searching the village. One section of Guard held up the Orks north of the bridge, but were ultimately wiped out to a man. The Chaos Space Marine advance from the West was disrupted
when a Pysker took control of a squad member with a missile launcher. This and a Lee-Man Russ tank saw that squad being eliminated
, but the mental effort was too much for the Pysker who suffered a melt-down. A 2nd Chaos squad made it into the village but was unable to stop the Guard locating the artefact
and escaping off-board before they too were wiped out. An entertaining little
game overall
Here's some pics.








Slave Psyker Rules for FUBAR 40K (Expanded)
Slave Pysker is chained in a cage and has to be attended by at least 2 member of the Sanction Division who will be armed with Laser Pistols and Flak body Armour.
1. Must be activated in the normal way. Initiative roll 4+.
2. Range of use: 36:
3. Can attempt mind control of any individual (not another Pysker). Is successful on a roll of 2+ on a D6.
3. The following turn(s), provided the Pysker activates the individual under control can be given any normal action, including a new one of Suicide.
4. Once under mind control, if the Pysker does not successfully activate, the individual does nothing.
5. Each turn the Psyker uses his mind control there is a chance he will go mad. On a roll of 6+ each turn this happens.
6. If the Pysker 'goes mad' the following happens:
a) The individual under his control reverts immediately to the original players control.
b) His attendants are automatically killed by a Psychic blast.
c) Any other troops within 12" must make a D6 roll, and on a 5+ go mad and go over the enemy's control where they must try and fire on their old team mates. If no targets can be seen, they commit suicide.