Went to the Royal Armouries in Leeds yesterday with a posse from our Harrogate club. In return for a favour the Armouries were hosting a special day
for those clubs who had supported their Waterloo celebrations earlier in
the year. In the morning we had a guided tour of a couple of the
floors, and in the afternoon we got to have a touchy-feely experience
with some hardware in their education
. This was followed by a
fascinating talk from the terrain designer of the Agincourt display David Marshall (currently in the Tower of London) and also by the Perry Brothers, Alan
and Michael (Perry Miniatures).
Here's a selection of photos from day.




Comment: A pole axe, A fierce-some piece of kit.

Comment: Gavin in front of a collection of Roman weapons.





Comment: Jousting armour.
Comment: Jousting armour (rear).
Comment: Set of jousting armour made for Henry VIII.
Comment: Helmet made for Henry VIII.
Comment: Back row, left to to right, Alan Perry, John Savage, Michael Perry. From row, John Elwen, and myself.