Had my first game of
FAD last night at the Huntingdon club. Although my opponent (Steve) and I had read the rules through it was our first opportunity to try them in anger. We just used the basic rules, each side have a reduced platoon of comprised of a HQ of 4 men and two squads of 8 with a light scout Grav vehicle providing fire support part way through. The objective for the night was to get the HQ squad to secure an abandoned light Grave tank, and exit the board with it.
I won't go into a blow by blow account of the battle, but suffice to say Steve secured the objective although lost most of his men in doing so.
Considering it was our first time with the rules, the game went remarkably smoothly. There are a lot of nice touches, and the squad combat certainly had the right feel about it, so yes I would happily use
FAD again.
Here's a few photos from the game:



On a separate note, if you've every wondered what it would be like to be on the receiving end of artillery fire, check this video
link out.