It very much owes it lineage to the old 80s game Car Wars, a copy of which I'm sure I still have buried somewhere in my loft. In this case the came uses actual cars and terrain, of which you have to supply both. James D invited me to join in a game, and the week before I was given a small car to customise. After some debate I painted it grey and black and added a rotary cannon to the roof :) I mean, why wouldn't you ? :)

Can't say anything about the rules mechanics as they are in play-test, and will be eventually published (by Osprey in 2017 I understand).
The game itself was a 6 player affair, of three teams (two players in each). The winner was to be the first to have a member of the team navigate round the board passing between all 4 'gates'. It's fair to say that getting through the first gate was a major challenge with vehicles spinning off all over the place, frantically dodging each other, some getting rammed, some looking to ram etc ! I narrowly escaped getting wiped out by a complete manic in a bus !
Once through the first gate we were allowed use any vehicle weaponry. This was the time to deploy the cannon (it seemed wrong not too...), so I managed to damage Gavin M's car several times. I was ahead of him for a while, but then he managed to just nip ahead. Before I could get past him his team mate James D rammed me, and my car was wiped out, so allowing Gavin M and he to win.
Overall quite an entertaining game.
A few pictures from early in the game are below.





That looks like a LOT o fun!
That looks really interesting. On the car conversion, where did you get the weapons?
Yes, quite a fun game, rules are still being refined I understand. The gatling cannon is a spare I had from extras you get with the Critical Mass Walkers. You can seem them on the models here: http://vultureswargamingblog.blogspot.co.uk/2015/03/15mm-sci-fi-photo-shoot.html
I wanted to add magnets so that it could rotate, but I ran out of time. Perhaps when I do my next conversion... :)
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