Sunday 16 October 2011

New GW Boxed Game - Dreadfleet

Whilst over visiting family is Crewe, I popped into the local GW shop. After fending off the store assistant three times who wouldn't take 'I'm just browsing thanks' as an answer to his questions over whether I needed help, I was drawn to their latest 'limited production run' offering. At £70 Dreadfleet is not a cheap game to buy, however the models are fabulous and the production values of the rule book and other elements are very high. Although its pitched at a 12+ age group a quick flick through the rule book convinced me that my 9 year old could manage to play it (in some form), so it was out with the credit card :) Just ploughing through the rule book at the moment. I'll post again on how our first game goes. In the meantime check out what Boardgamegeek has to say about it: Link


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