Thursday, 13 January 2011

First FUBAR Game

After weeks of trying to get together with my 15mm sci-fi enthusiast chum (James) for a game, we at last managed it tonight trying out the free set called FUBAR. The concept of them was derived by Craig Cartmell who has also written the Forge Of War rules as well. The aim of FUBAR was to have a fast playable set of rules, that can fit in one side of A4. Trying out the 3rd Edition tonight, we were totally blown away by how well they played, and can't wait to have another one. Check out the FUBAR Yahoo group for more information.
I haven't had time to do a AAR, but here are few photos from the game.







Basement Gaming Bunker said...

It's almost mind-blowing how much fun you can have wargaming when you don't have to spend half of your game looking up rules and tables.

Keep an eye on the Yahoo group over the next month... I'm going to get back into creating supplements for the 15mm lines available.


Vulture said...

Okay, will do :)